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UBI Taiwan’s mission is to bring the discussion of Universal/Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) to Taiwan. Since our founding, UBI Taiwan has been dedicated to exposing serious issues that are often overlooked in Taiwan, such as rising income inequality and stagnant wages. Basic income is one important method to address this growing sense of precariousness in Taiwan.

We believe that basic income is a human right that should be guaranteed by Taiwan’s government. No person should ever be denied their basic necessities, which is a fundamental element for securing all other human rights. In order to preserve the democratic freedoms and identity of Taiwan, all Taiwanese must have a basic sense of financial security.

In pursuit of this mission, UBI Taiwan organizes an annual international conference focused on basic income in the Asia Pacific. These conferences brought together scholars from around the globe to discuss how to advance basic income in the Asia Pacific region. UBI Taiwan is also actively engaged in in-depth research projects to evaluate the proper methods for implementing basic income in Taiwan

Our Mission

Our mission is to bring the discussion of basic income to Taiwan through research and conferences. In the rapid changes of the future, every Taiwanese should be prepared for uncertainties ahead and empowered to pursue their own dreams.

All around the world, there is growing discussion of basic income and how it may become a reality. UBI Taiwan aims to understand how basic income can fit into Taiwan's society and social welfare system.





理事長: 羅泰

羅泰(Tyler Prochazka)自2016籌辦第一屆亞太基本收入協會後開始台灣的基本收入運動。羅泰不僅是UBI Taiwan的現任理事長,也是基本收入全球網絡行政組組員。
