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UBI Taiwan is dedicated to a more equal Taiwan with Unconditional Basic Income.


UBI Taiwan’s mission is to bring the discussion of Universal/Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) to Taiwan. Since our founding, UBI Taiwan has been dedicated to exposing serious issues that are often overlooked in Taiwan, such as rising income inequality and stagnant wages. Basic income is one important method to address this growing sense of precariousness in Taiwan.

We believe that basic income is a human right that should be guaranteed by Taiwan’s government. No person should ever be denied their basic necessities, which is a fundamental element for securing all other human rights. In order to preserve the democratic freedoms and identity of Taiwan, all Taiwanese must have a basic sense of financial security.

In pursuit of this mission, UBI Taiwan has organized two international conferences which focused on basic income in the Asia Pacific. These conferences brought together scholars from around the globe to discuss how to advance basic income in the Asia Pacific region. UBI Taiwan is also actively engaged in in-depth research projects to evaluate the proper methods for implementing basic income in Taiwan.

What is UBI?

Universal/Unconditional Basic Income is a periodic cash payment from the government to all with no work conditions that is provided to everyone regardless of income and household status.

This means that everyone would be guaranteed to their basic necessities and can use the cash in whatever way they see as best for them. Basic income provides the freedom to choose and opens up more possibilities to pursue your passions.

Basic income is pro-work, it allows everyone to do the work they love. No one should be forced to do something they hate just to survive. This creates an unhealthy society, and in fact it creates an unhealthy and undynamic economy as well. UBI can open up the unlimited innovative spirit of Taiwan by providing a sturdy foundation for risk-taking and creativity to flourish.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple: we want to inspire national discussion of policies that provide universal economic security for Taiwanese. By bringing together experts and grass-roots projects, we strive to make Taiwan the first nation in the world to implement Universal Basic Income.

Featured Research

Research on the feasibility and effects of basic income in Taiwan

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Understanding UBI in Taiwan and America

Understanding UBI in Taiwan and America

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